Madam President formally launched PM-TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan. This topic has relevance in GS2 and GS3 for UPSC aspirants. Here is all that you need to know about the government initiative.
Need and Goal
- Launched by Honourable President Smt. Draupadi Murmu Ji
- Goal: Eliminate TB by 2025 (global goal 2030)
- Need: 20-25 lac TB cases pa in India, nearly 4 lac deaths
3 point support strategy:
1. Community support
2. Nutritional and Additional Requirements
3. Vocational Training for their families
1. Community Support
- 'Ni-kshay Mitra'
- NGOs, corporates, individuals can "adopt" TB patients
- 1-3 years support
- emotional (human-touch, not just money) + sponsorship for food basket (₹1000/basket)
2. Nutritional and Additional Requirements
- Health Ministry + National Institute of Nutrition developed veg/non-veg baskets
- Ni-kshay Mitra can make this basket on their own or get them made by local organizations
3. Vocational Training
- Most TB patients are breadwinners of the family
- Financial strain on family after they are diagnosed with TB
- Vocational training to help family continue earning
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