The year was 2021
I was one of the few who survived the fatal second wave
Things were so bad that a day of April 2021 is deleted from my memory
I skipped writing UPSC 2021 for I felt defeated in the mind
Why? I wondered! I just won my life against a virus that killed people left right and centre
In middle of it, I didn't know who all are GONE. My own mother spent 21 days of absolute uncertainty on her life. (touchwood, she made it)
It was 2 months since funeral when I learnt about death of 2 of my close friends.
It was October by now and I started putting house in place
After 10s of cold emails seeking desperate help,
there was one consistent reply: GET A PLAN!
Oh, they don't work! I always thought. But hey, so many people I look up to can't be wrong. I sat down to make one but the scale of it left me stumped
I wrote down every single date from October 2021 to Pre of 2022 in an excel sheet
It took me good 7-8 days to fill it up with a plan on what to study when!
Today, when I look back, I think of madness here.
Sheer waste of time.
Things are changing fast and when I went all in at CSEWhy, this one thing kept knocking my head.
What did we do?
We trained AI models on UPSC relevant data
We made it relevant to ensure that every UPSC aspirant ANYWHERE in this country can sit down, tell bhAi about themselves urging it to generate a plan
Result? Google AI Academy acknowledged CSEWhy bhAi as a game changer
Why? Today, you can go to bhAi & tell it a bunch of things about you AND YOU KNOW WHAT?
What took me 7-8 days manually can now be done in less than 7-8 minutes🤯
No, I am not joking.
Yes, it is an ACTUAL solution
No, you won't believe until you do it yourself
Yes, you can do it for FREE