Manmohan Doctrine - Foreign Policy Notes
1. India's relations with world are shaped by our developmental priorities
The single most important objective of Indian foreign policy has to be to create a global environment conducive to the well-being of our great country.
2. Greater integration with the world economy will benefit India and enable our people to realize their creative potential.
3. Seek stable, long term & mutually beneficial relations, with all major powers
We are prepared to work with the international community to create a global economic and security environment beneficial to all nations.
4. Indian sub-continent’s shared destiny requires greater regional cooperation and connectivity.
Towards this end, we must strengthen regional institutional capability and capacity and invest in connectivity.
5. Indian foreign policy is not defined merely by our interests, but also by the values which are very dear to our people.
India’s experiment of pursuing economic development within the framework of a plural, secular and liberal democracy has inspired people around the world and should continue to do so.
This clearly had economic integration at the core of it!