It is Sunday morning.
You sit looking outside your window to take a look at the world
This window is not just the glass pane on your wall,
it's your outlook to the world.
Some people you look at daily are the newspaper wallah, the vegetable vendor & some familiar faces
You chin up to stare at the sky, just above the canopy of this concrete jungle. You have your eyes on the sky while thinking about those familiar faces
You go back to refill your tea thinking of your study schedule. On the way to kitchen, you saw pile of books
The never ending pile of books. The tea start boiling and so does the emotion inside you. You wonder when will this ever end? While you can turn the stove off as tea matures, the maturity deadline for the investment in these books is still far!
You wonder if it is issue of some stars. Maybe some far off planet conspiring against you, you know?
You pour the tea in the cup and go back. This time, not to the window of your world view but study table of your reality.
You run your eyes on the syllabus. Your eyes stop at 'Role of women' of GS1.
"Women." You murmur!
Your mind races to think of role of women in your life. You think of your mother.
The one who calls you every day.
The one whose call you rush off thinking you don't have time
Do you not have time? You know the answer.
You think of your friend who helps you with prep.
Your mind is racing fast till it stops!
It stops at that one woman who you secretly admire.
You get rid of her thoughts and keep reading the syllabus. The syllabus revision parses from Statutory bodies of GS2 to e-tech in aid of farmers.
Farmers. You think! Yeah, the farmers. The ones who grow this tea you just sipped on!
You take another sip to find yourself reading pointers of internal security on the wall. A sense of YOUR internal security has taken a hit
Just as those familiar faces down the street whose names you don't remember;
you haven't met your internal security in a long time. Everything feels anxious. You know it takes a toll on your mind but you tend to focus.
GS4 Ethics; the syllabus reads.
You think of some of people you know who made it to services and have no ethics left. Only you know! No, actually a few other do too! but saying it out loud at this point, your voice won't be heard.
You also think of those with forged EWS & PwD certificates who now preach ethics on social media.
You move to optional
On finishing the syllabus revision, even the tea ends.
You see the plethora of emotions you just felt? Yeah that! It's this emotion that shall not drive you to go for injustice. It's okay, everyone has their story.
Yours is being written. Make sure you write one well!
Not driven by others but your own, internally
Aayi baat samajh?