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"Bulldozer chalao? Pehle batao!"
Supreme Court norms for Bulldozer Justice..
Kya bola Supreme Court?🧵👇🏻
What're the guidelines?
• 15 days notice before demolition w/ date of 'personal hearing'
• Post hearing, final order MUST have minutes/statements w/ "why demolition is final option"
• 15 days time after final notice to either remove the structure or challenge legally
But what's SC reasoning for guidelines?
• Separation of Powers
u/A 50, executive-judiciary power separation
SC affirms that executive can't replace judiciary in discharge of duties
• Right to Shelter
u/A 21 (R2Life), depriving other inhabitants of R2Shelter could be "wholly unconstitutional"
• To instill transparency & trust in the citizenry
While SC is batting on trust for citizenry, your trust for neutral setup is with CSEWhy! Download the app here