Ladakh's demand for 6th schedule is old!
Away from politics, #UPSC needs you to know:
• Article 371
• 6th Schedule
Learn & revise it here👇🏼
But wait CSEWhy, why JUST Ladakh?
J&K Re-organization 2019 separated J&K & Ladakh UTs
While J&K got its assembly (like Del & Pondy) Ladakh, as you know, found no assembly of its own!
This gave birth to a new issue!👇🏼
• As part of J&K state, Ladakh had an Autonomous Council
• Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council governed as an elected body
• LAHDC enjoyed significant autonomy in its decisions
With a LG system in place, Ladakhis 'feel' under a political dispossession.
Demand? 6th schedule👇🏼
Special provision to:
• Creating Autonomous Districts in tribal NE India (see image)
• Govern Admin, Land & Cultural Identity
What're key features of this schedule?👇🏼
Autonomy: Governed by LAHDC like councils w/ powers
Autonomy: Governed by LAHDC like councils w/ powers👇🏼
• Legislative
to make local laws (to be approved by Governor)
• Financial
Collect taxes, manage revenues, mining licenses
• Judicial
Set up local courts for tribal disputes w/ criminal cases to go to higher courts
Above pointers explain the no-brainer demand!
But government proposed another plan:
Temporary, Transitional & Special Provisions
371A-371J gives following special rights
So, why are Ladakhis demanding 6th sch over 371?
u/A 371 Special Status protects jobs, land & culture BUT
no autonomy of Autonomous District Councils
All said & done,
it is imp for you to list & revise 100+ Constitution Articles on tips for #UPSC2024