2022 & 2023 had 10+ Qs on Africa; find analysis here
World is chaotic; chaos invites Qs in #UPSC Pre 🙃
8 rebel groups & conflicted regions w/ maps👇🏻🧵
• Kurds & Al-Shabaab
• Houthis & Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23)
• Israel-Palestine & Myanmar
• Tigray & Darfur region
1. Kurds
• In news: Mahsa Amini (a Kurdish woman) killed by Iran
• Largest stateless ethnic group in mapped countries
• This place is so-called Kurdistan by them
• History: Kurds promised state in Treaty of Sevres 1920
(This promise stays inconclusive even 100+ years later)
2. Al-Shabaab
• In news: US & Somalian strikes on its bases
• An al-Qaeda affiliate 'operating' in following regions
• Objective: Impose Wahabi Islam in its area of control
• History: Began as extremist youth wing of now defunct Islamic Courts Union
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3. Houthis
• In news: Attacking commercials vessels in the Red Sea
• Iran backed Yemeni rebels controlling west & NW Yemeni territory
• History: Roots in ''Believing Youth", a Zaidi Shia revivalist group of early 90s
4. Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23)
• In news: Rwanda backed rebels behind massive internal displacement & unrest in DRC
• M23: Tutsi-led group in eastern regions of DRC (bordering Rwanda)
• History:
a) 1994 Rwandan genocide
b) Hutu extremists massacred 1m+ minority of ethnic Tutsis & Hutu non-extremists
DRC = Democratic Republic of Congo
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5. Hamas
• In news: Ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict
• A Palestinian political armed group (Gaza + W. Bank)
• History: Started as a resistance movement against Israel in 1987
6. Myanmar Junta
• Military coup of 2021 sparked chaos
• Military's genocidal actions against the civilians
• Illicit substance trade funds exacerbated the situation
• Note: Myanmar is part of Golden Triangle of the drugs trade
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7. Tigray region
• Tigray People's Liberation Front forces stand armed
• Eritrea's pre-emptive measures reflect conflict trajectory
• Ethiopia's quest to access sea could lead to conflict at a scale
8. Darfur Crisis
• Conflict b/w Army & Paramilitary leaving space for Darfur rebels
• Darfur sees grazing right conflict b/w nomadic Arabs & Tribal Africans
• Govt. launched genocide against tribals igniting tribal militias
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